Runners (7+)

Tanz/Akrobatik von Cirk La Putyka | Tschechien | 7+ | ca. 60 min. | Englisch, mit deutschen Übertiteln

Runners (7+)

Tanz/Akrobatik von Cirk La Putyka | Tschechien | 7+ | ca. 60 min. | Englisch, mit deutschen Übertiteln

Enchanting dance, impressive acrobatics and original live music that explores the experience of time in a world where everything has to happen in a hurry. Four experienced dancers and two musicians invite the audience to reflect on life in a fast-paced world. The unique stage set consists of a giant treadmill that was custom-made in the UK. While the performers perform powerful choreography, original live music, stunts on the Cyr wheel and amazing acrobatics, they also run almost an entire marathon. We try to catch everything and catch up on what we've missed. It's not enough to be good, we have to be better tomorrow. Time - we want to be with it, but it has long since overtaken us. We can't stop, we can't sleep, we can't sit down, have a quiet cup of coffee and read at least one article from start to finish (that sentence is already long for you, isn't it). We have to run because we don't have time. We don't have time because it's still running. And running is a long-distance race. A run that flushes endorphins into our bodies, making us love this lifestyle.  
