Spiel im Spiel (3+)

Tanz von Ceren Oran & Moving Borders | München/Bayern | ca. 60 min. | ohne Sprache

Spiel im Spiel (3+)

Tanz von Ceren Oran & Moving Borders | München/Bayern | ca. 60 min. | ohne Sprache

(Play within the play) When children play, anything is possible: the floor is lava, objects fly through the air and everyday objects take on a whole new meaning. From an almost infinite selection of possibilities, worlds are playfully created with their own set of rules, which can be changed, expanded or discarded again and again. But how does one game lead to the next? Who decides what happens next and how do you make the best decision? Three dancers get involved in the game within the game. And also to tearing down the world they have just built up again when a new impulse is introduced. Spiel im Spiel is a dance-based exploration of the potential space of children's play and an invitation to shape it. Tanz Máté Asbóth, Jihun Choi, Jin Lee Konzept, künstlerische Leitung, Choreografie Ceren Oran Musik Gudrun Plaichinger Bühnendesign Sigrid Wurzinger Choreografische Assistenz Roni Sagi Dramaturgie Anna Stegherr Theaterpädagogik Alina Speer Licht Design Jiannis Murböck  
