Der Regenbogenfisch (3+)

Figurentheater von Theater Salz und Pfeffer | Nürnberg/Bayern | 40 min. | in deutscher Sprache

Der Regenbogenfisch (3+)

Figurentheater von Theater Salz und Pfeffer | Nürnberg/Bayern | 40 min. | in deutscher Sprache

(The Rainbowfish) The sea is a huge, beautiful and wondrous place full of secrets that are often hidden deep in the ocean. One day, a wondrous newcomer appears: the rainbow fish. With its dazzling scales, it is the most beautiful fish in the whole ocean and is admired by the other fish. However, the rainbow fish is not interested in the community of other sea creatures and soon becomes the loneliest fish in the big ocean. Fortunately, there is the wise octopus. He gives him an idea that will change his life in the deep sea... Spiel Marie Erlewein Regie Wally Schmidt Figurenbau Kathrin Brockmüller Kostüme/Bühnenbild Sarah Lisa Matheis Musikkomposition Fabian Kratzer Technik Tabea Baumer, Anton Reger Choreografie Ingo Schweiger Illustration Marcus Pfister  
