Fast im Nichts [Au bord du vide] (9+)

Akrobatik/Zirkus von Cie. Manie | Frankreich | ca. 60 min.

Fast im Nichts [Au bord du vide] (9+)

Akrobatik/Zirkus von Cie. Manie | Frankreich | ca. 60 min.

Fast im Nichts (Almost in the void) is the story of a man facing his life. A look back, a look forward, what he has done, what he still has to do, but on this day he can do nothing more. A man who is so confused that he has to double himself. On stage, three circus actors play the ages: the younger one, a fiery acrobat and juggler who can barely keep himself in place. The older one, a philosophical clown who walks on material lines. And the current one. High circus art for young and old. Three generations take us into the high art of acrobatics. Humorous and touching and full of suspense right up to the last moment Mit freundlicher Unterstützung des     Konzeption Vincent Regnard Regie Agnès Célérier Musikalische Kreation Pierre Olivier Fernandez, Adrien Desse und Thomas Loyer Generalregie und Klangarrangements Aurélien Chevalier Bühne und Kostüme Emmanuelle Grobet Lichtdesign Théo Beurlangey und Romain Prunier Produktion Vanessa Douzon
