Wenn Ferdinand nachts schlafen geht (5+)

Papiertheater/Musiktheater von Thalias Kompagnons | Nürnberg/Bayern | ca. 50 min. | in deutscher Sprache

Wenn Ferdinand nachts schlafen geht (5+)

Papiertheater/Musiktheater von Thalias Kompagnons | Nürnberg/Bayern | ca. 50 min. | in deutscher Sprache

(When Ferdinand goes to sleep at night) Little Ferdinand can't fall asleep. His room is so scary in the dark: the chest of drawers turns into a monster, the curtain swims through the wallpaper as a fish, and why can he suddenly fly? Encouraged and accompanied by his cat, Ferdinand sets off that night in search of the great magician behind the transformations. And makes a startling discovery in the process... Everyone has probably been afraid of the dark at some point. Thalia's companions get to the bottom of this feeling. With collages created live on stage and enchanting accordion music, they bring the objects in the children's room at night to life and open up a magical cosmos in which the impossible becomes possible. A dreamy declaration of love to the adventures of the imagination. Idee & Konzept Joachim Torbahn (Papier und Schere) und Tristan Vogt (Erzählen und Akkordeon) Spiel Kathrin Blüchert und Tristan Vogt Komposition Peter Fulda Regie Iwona Jera & Thalias Kompagnons
