Flörchen (4+)

Figurentheater von Theater Schloss Maßbach | Maßbach/Bayern | ca. 30 min. | Deutsch

Flörchen (4+)

Figurentheater von Theater Schloss Maßbach | Maßbach/Bayern | ca. 30 min. | Deutsch

In a dusty flowerpot, gardener Monsieur Tistou discovers a withered plant with a trembling, tiny creature clinging to it. It is pale and obviously very ill. Monsieur Tistou christens it Flörchen and finds out that it is a Wawiewe, a forest and meadow creature. He sets up a fascinating, magical natural world in his lorry, where Flörchen quickly recovers and lives from then on. In his biotope, Flörchen sorts seeds, plants them, tends flowers, sings for the flowers and bees or sprouts leaves with his magic hands. but one day, Flörchen begins to long. A longing for his family. Perhaps the children can help Flörchen.   Text und Inszenierung Thomas Klischke Bühne Jörn Hagen Kostüm Daniela Zepper Dramaturgie Anne Maar Theaterpädagogik Uwe Gröschel, Vera Rumpel
