Spieglein, Spieglein an der Wand, wer ist am unglücklichsten im ganzen Land?
Mirror, Mirror on the wall, who is the unhappiest of them all?
Audio perfomance for people from the age of 8 and up
Oh, how much easier it would be for the heart if there were no unhappy, sad, dark days. How gladly we sit at the table with joy, pleasure and enjoyment.
We even give a place to fear, anger and doubt. But we unload unhappiness. We don't want it with us. Unhappiness does not belong to us. We don't want to be unhappy!
Don´t worry, be happy.
The children's stories, thoughts and feelings have been turned into an audio play for people aged eight and over.
Dauer: 20 Minuten
Idee und Durchführung Andrea Maria Erl, Sabine Zieser
Regie und Schnitt Elena Zieser
With children of the active playground Gostenhof Nuremberg
Eine Produktion von Theater Mummpitz 2024